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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Adidas miCoach brings Samsung F110..!

Take a look at the all new Samsung F110 which is not something high end mobile phone but it's part of a unique workout system developed by Adidas. The Adidas miCoach system makes your phone a full-fledged workout sidekick recording each of your steps and guiding you along your sports endeavors while playing your favorite music to make sweating a bit more pleasant...!

Samsung F110 will feature a 2 megapixel camera, FM radio, stereo Bluetooth and 1GB of onboard memory - it's all there to make your personal sports coach that much useful in your everyday life when you are not on the track. You are more than welcome to join us as we take the Samsung 110 out for a jog....!

Source : Gsmarena..!

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